
Victory Christian Fellowship welcomes you and your baby to our nursery. Your child is special to us. It is our desire to minister to your child's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We are committed to providing a loving and caring nursery staff and environment for your child. We want them to receive the Love of Jesus each time they visit our nursery.

The Nursery is located in the hallway to the right of the Sanctuary foyer.

  • Room 1: Infants
  • Room 2: Toddlers
  • Room 3: 3-Year-Olds
  • Room 4: 4-Year-Olds


  • Diaper(s)
  • Wipes
  • Fresh Bottle(s)
  • Change of clothes (including socks)

When your baby is brought to our nursery, you and your child will be assigned a number. If at any time during our service you see your baby's number appear on our screens, please make your way to the nursery. This is just a way to let moms and dads know their little loved one is needing them.


Check in: On Arrival

Upon arriving at church, please sign your child(ren) in on the KidCheck app on an iPad located in the nursery hallway. Attendants will be available to help register your child if you do not have an account. KidCheck will print a tag for each child as well as a guardian receipt.

Wednesday Night

Check in: 6:30pm - 7:15pm

Upon arriving at church, please sign your child(ren) in on the KidCheck app on an iPad located in the nursery hallway. Attendants will be available to help register your child if you do not have an account. KidCheck will print a tag for each child as well as a guardian receipt.  Please pick up your child(ren) after service from the lower building. ​

Nursery Leader

Aidah Doan

Frequently Asked Questions

What are services like?

Our services are typically 1.5 hours long. We have a passion and value for worship where we lift up the name of Jesus followed by a Scripture-based teaching. Our services are always friendly, encouraging, and full of hope.

What will happen when I visit for the first time?

You'll be greeted with a warm welcome from our team. During your visit, you'll hear about our "VIP Table"  in the sanctuary. This is your one stop shop to get all your questions answered and receive a free gift.

Where do you meet?

We are meeting in our main sanctuary building located at 1156 Oak Hill Rd. Somerset KY, 42503

Do you offer kids' ministry?

Yes! We do have kids' ministry, which we call Victory Kids. Check out their homepage for age range and check in times.

Do you offer anything for middle and high schoolers?

On Sundays, we welcome our high school and middle school students into the main service. During the week, we have Legacy Youth. Check out their page to get more information.